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Summer Share #12 of 20: 8/22+8/24-The Week of the Eggplant

We got super excited when we looked at the forecast over the weekend and there was minimal rain in it for this week. But then I checked again this morning and there is a chance Wednesday night through the weekend...when will it stop :/ I really shouldn't complain about this season being a rainy one because there are a few areas of the country getting flooded right now.

**Just a heads up: It looks like there will be construction on our road this week North of the farm. Just keep that in mind when you plan your pick up. We're assuming traffic will be delayed in both directions.**

Also heads up! We have TONS-O-TOMATOES available for purchase in the share room this week including slicers, saladettes, and romas! Also some picklers and more! Remember, you can always ask to purchase more of almost anything in the share, just ask

As for this week the share will include: potatoes, eggplant (lots of eggplant!!), squash, cucumbers, onions, peppers, beets, carrots, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi, fennel, head lettuce, tomatoes, and melons.

The fruit share will include blueberries, peaches, apricots, and plums!

Remember, you can always order a Savage Wheat Project via their website and get it delivered here! Otherwise check out the grab bags for sale under the tent.

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