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Spring Share #3 of 5: 5/7+5/9 Hurry Up and Wait

This time of year is a real 'Hurry up and wait' situation. If you are not sure what I mean by this, then lucky you for never having to live this feeling ;) Basically, we have to be ready at the drop of a hat to get as much field work done as possible- plants have to be matures and hardened off in case we can transplant, fields have to be ready in case we can seed or transplant, equipment that hasn't been used in one year has to be ready and usable at the drop of a hat. BUUUT if the weather wants to be rainy and yucky because it's Spring then we have to wait. But we have to be ready while we wait. Plus we are approaching the average last frost date, but the last couple of seasons we have experienced a freeze way past that date. Soooo...

Anyway, needless to say we are getting really busy around here. And the veggies that we are growing for the Spring Share are taking off! This week's Spring Share (which is not the Summer Share) includes radishes, spring garlic, bunched greens, basil, spinach, and lettuce mix!

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