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Summer Share #14 of 20: 9/6+9/8- Act Right


**A reminder to everyone: You must come on the pick up day you signed up for rain or shine. The exception to this is when an emergency arises like an actual trip to the hospital, something came up at work, or a flash flood as one of our members experienced last week. Rain is not an emergency and if it is raining you must stick to your pick up day. It is something you agree to when you sign up for the share. Another thing you agree to is that when it rains the fields are closed. We can't control the weather, and if we have had a sunny summer, wonderful. And when it rains, oh well.

That said (and believe me I have a lot more to say), we are already looking forward to the Winter Share! The last week of the Summer Share is the week of October 18th, and the first Winter Share pick up is November 1st. To sign up for a Winter Share we are sticking to the old school method for the time being. The cost of the Winter Share is $250. To sign up please bring cash or a check with you when you pick up your vegetables and it is as simple as that. We usually sell out in 3 weeks time, so if you want a share make sure to sign up soon! If you are not a current member and you want a Winter Share we will be in contact with you via email in 3 weeks.

Even though Summer doesn't officially end until September 22nd, the vegetables are already starting to shift as the warmer weather crops are showing signs of decline, and we continue to bring in crops for storage like onions and fall/winter squashes. It's around this time that bugs start to trail off (thank goodness), and weeds stop growing as fast as they were (also thank goodness).

And I know Labor Day weekend marks the start of school, but please remember that the day is meant to acknowledge and celebrate laborers and tradespeople.

This week's share will include summer and fall squashes, carrots, beets, potatoes, cabbage, onions, peppers, eggplant, lettuce, kohlrabi, bok choy, tomatoes, radishes, and more!

The fruit share will be peaches, nectarines, and plums.

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5850 Shimerville Rd 

Clarence Center, NY 14032

Pickup Hours

Summer Share Tu and Th 2-6:30

Winter Share Tu and Th 3-6

Spring Share Tu and Th 4-6

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