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Summer Share #20 of 20: 10/18+10/20- THE FINAL SUMMER SHARE OF 2022 !


That's right! This week marks the FINAL week of the 2022 Summer CSA season. The final week is always sad, but bittersweet. Bittersweet because of all that we have accomplished this season. Sad because the endings of any happy moments in life tend to be. But we are already looking up and forward to next Summer! Reviewing this season has already begun, and the beginnings of planning the next one are under way.

This is all happening while getting ready for the Winter Share, which will start the week of October 31st. So there will be a week "off" from any share pick ups during the final full week of October. This gives the crew time to focus on strictly harvesting everything that needs to come in from the fields. Everyone in the Winter Share will receive emails with more info prior to the start of the share.

So if this is the last time we see you this year, please make sure that if you want to have a share next season to renew your share for the 2023 season this coming week.

As for the final pick up it's packed with goodies: sweet potatoes, potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, butternut squash, shallots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, radishes, greens, salad turnips, lettuce, garlic, celery, and brussels sprouts!

The fruit share will have grapes, apples, and pears. And if this is your final pick up this year, remember to stock up on your favorite Savage Wheat stuff.

AND FINALLY: We have gotten a lot of questions about Thanksgiving, and Yes! we are have the Thanksgiving Market at the Farm again this year. It will take place on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. There will be more info here and on Instagram about it.

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