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Spring Onions


Onions and scallions are obviously closely related. You can use them interchangeably in recipes in general. Early in the season, scallions (or "spring onions") and bunching onions are harvested until the fresh onions are ready. Fresh onions are uncured onions and do not have the flakey skin that storage onions have. The green parts of the scallions and fresh onions are edible, just more mild than the white parts. Some recipes call specifically for red or white or yellow onions, I just use what I have on hand.
QUICK IDEAS: chop up scallions to add to your morning eggs; finely chop a bunching onion into a salad
Three-Onion Pizza
from 20 dollar, 20 minute meals by Caroline Wright

Pizza Dough

1 small yellow onion, thinly sliced

1 small red onion, thinly sliced

1 shallot, thinly sliced 

1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves

1 tbsp olive oil



1) Roll out the dough on a lightly grease pan. top pizza with onions, thyme, and olive oil. Bake until dough is golden and crisp, 8-10 minutes. 

2) Before serving top with a sprinkle of sea salt, red pepper flake, or olive oil if desired. 

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